Monday 6 April 2015

Completed: Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman

I was checking online as we were heading to the library, on our accounts, to check what needed to head back. I couldn't, for the life of me, find one book. Our library helpfully (or not) calls most of the books in the kids' section "Children's paperback" if they happen to be a paperback in the kids' section. So, I was faced with number 93873834 "Children's paperback". I could not find it. We searched the car, the kids' backpacks, and their rooms. I checked the library shelf three times over. No book.

So, later last night I was working on my stamp collection (yes, I'm a proud dork) at my desk, and suddenly, I noticed Fortunately, the Milk sitting there, waiting to be blogged. I had taken it on a trip to a friend's wedding, and finished it in about half an hour. But I hadn't gotten around to blogging it. I checked the top - 93873834. Yay! Book!

So I will quickly blog this book so that it can go back to the library prior to having fines attached to it.

I will precurse this review by saying that I have never read any of Neil Gaiman's books for adults. I picked up this book to see if G might like it, as his avid love of reading shows no sign of slowing down.

It was just OK. The story was a bit generic and lacked creativity. However, the artwork was incredible, and so for that alone I would recommend picking it up. It is short and sweet - I was very glad to have brought a second book on my trip, as I hadn't realized quite how quick a read it would be (I'll blog the other one soon, as I finished it as well!).

Favorite little bit of the book:

"We can't eat our cereal," said my sister, sadly.
"I don't see why not," said my father. "We've got plenty of cereal. There's Toastios and there's muesli. We have bowls. We have spoons. Spoons are excellent. Sort of like forks, only not as stabby."

There's some excellent Dad humour for ya!

Title: Fortunately, the Milk
Published: 2013
Pages: 110

Total Books Blogged: 20
Total Pages: 5956

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