The Rules

I think this is a necessary step, though writing it out seems a bit pedantic. Most of the blogs I read have some sort of parameter. Many of them are cooking blogs - I love cooking blogs.

So: here are my 'rules', as it were. I will:

- read from the top-left of my first bookcase to the bottom-right of the final one
- have a home book and a work book. The home books will be 100% in order left-to-right, top-to-bottom. The work books will be taken from close to where I am on the shelves, but there are some books that just don't make relaxing lunch breaks, and that's ok
- blog each book at least once, preferably more
- blog interesting words and facts
- skip things that aren't for reading in the classic sense: Dictionaries, some textbooks, instruction manuals, etc.
- skip duplicates. I will not read 3 complete collections of Longfellow's poetry, for example. I keep duplicates of some books just because both editions are beautiful or meaningful to me
- skip books I've already read, with the caveat that if I cannot really remember the story, I will re-read the book

I think that's it! I'm not so rigid that these aren't open to interpretation and adjustment as I move through my books.

So cheers, and there they are. I'm going to go read now...

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