Wednesday 20 June 2012

Word of the Week: Muskellunge

As I anticipate spending much time reading, and much time writing about reading, why not add a lighthearted weekly interlude? All of these books must have new words, or words I'm not overly familiar with. I shall try to explore these on a semi-regular basis.

This week's word: muskellunge. It is mentioned by Farley Mowat as he travels in back-country Ontario. It is a fish - the largest member of the pike family, specifically, and apparently hunted for sport by the Eaton family back when. You can call it a "muskie", if you like.

In other news, I am trading my late-night snack, which is an unhealthy habit that I have trying to break D of (but have somehow let myself slide), for a late-night tea. Tonight's is apple cinnamon, but I let it steep too long, and it is VERY cinnamon-y. Still tasty, but I will become a better tea-brewer as I become a regular blogger and a more frequent reader.

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