Monday 4 June 2012

Currently reading: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

I am 27 years old, and am finally reading the Lord of the Rings. I have fond memories of my father reading the Hobbit to me when we lived in India, when I was 10 or so, but I never followed up with the trilogy itself. When they became movies, I swore I would not watch them until I read the books. That was many years ago. Despite the subtle prompting by D (he purchased me the first book on a whim at the bookstore one day), I still did not start reading until very recently, but I did keep my promise to myself: I have not seen the movies yet.

I should probably preempt this by saying I don't like sci fi or fantasy in most cases. There are exceptions - my friend H told me to read Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, and it was a transportation to another world. And I've found that in almost all cases and for all things that I think I don't like, there are exceptions. Even eggplant. So I went into the Lord of the Rings knowing it was a literary classic and that I would likely find it wonderful, if not my usual cup of tea.

I am currently in the dark and terrifying underground realm of Moria, and I wish I had more time to read. I read on my lunch break, on my coffee break. With my graduate studies taking up so much of my time, I have acquired a vast library of books that I have not read. D also has many books that I have not read. I think this blog will be many things, but one thing it will let me do is reflect on my literary travels though my library, as I will, hopefully, be wrapping up my grad studies soon and can devote more time to the life I've been missing out on while I've been busy becoming a Master.

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