Friday, 14 August 2015

Completed: Fifteen by Beverly Cleary

Oh, it has been a long time since I read a Beverly Cleary book. I think anyone about my age read some when they were a teen, but I don't think I've picked one up in, oh, 15 years?

This one was quaint. In many ways nothing like my teenage years, and in many ways exactly like my teenage years. 

It is set in the 50s, it would seem. There is discussion of girdles, buckled shoes, soda floats, wearing gloves and hats on dates, and dieting (which you wouldn't see in a book about teenagers nowadays!). There's dates to dances, trading dances with another couple, and of course, everyone's old-fashioned favorite, 'going steady'!

None of these were part of my teenage years (except for desperate dietary attempts to GAIN weight, as I was quite pitifully underweight due to my out-of-control metabolism as a teen!).

However, the second-guessing, always trying to fit in, trying to find confidence, frustrating babysitting gigs, cute boy crushes, long phone calls with your best friend, and parents just not getting it, well, I had all of those things...!

It was an easy read. I'm finding that tossing a young adult novel in every once in awhile just adds a nice balance to my reading - not everything needs to be an intense roller-coaster of prime-quality, award-winning literature. This quick read is proof that spending a few nights having a heartfelt, nostalgic trip down teen memory lane is just as good a time.

Title: Fifteen
Author: Beverly Cleary
Published: 1956
Pages: 203

Total Books Blogged: 33
Total Pages: 9441

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