Monday, 14 November 2016

Completed: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More by Roald Dahl

Hm. There are 7 stories in this book, and I've started to really love short stories - I'll be looking for more of them to read. Here are the 7, from the best read to the worst one, in my opinion:

The Mildenhall Treasure

  • The second and last non-fiction Dahl ever wrote. As an archaeologist, it's wonderful!
A Piece of Cake, and Lucky Break
  • The first piece of non-fiction Dahl ever wrote, and the context thereof. And it is beautiful - much like Mowat in how poignantly it speaks to the human aspect of war. I learned a lot about Dahl reading this story, and its context.
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
  • This is one of the cleverest short stories I've ever read. You just want to believe it is true. Wonderful indeed!
The Hitchhiker, The Boy Who Talked with Animals
  • These two were interesting. Snapshots, almost, and you wonder what inspired Dahl to write them, as they seem so ordinary, and yet when you think through it they're certainly worth their stories unto themselves.
The Swan
  • Just don't even read this story. I was disturbed after reading it, and I get very cringe-y thinking about it. Good on Dahl for being able to create so realistically such a hideous picture for his readers, but I just can't understand how this would be a young adult story, and what would have inspired its creation. 
Title: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More
Author: Roald Dahl
Published: 1945 (originally) - 1998 (this version)
Pages: 225

Total Books Blogged: 56
Total Pages: 15,767

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