Wednesday 7 January 2015

Sitting at a new desk

Quite some time ago now, I shared my now-not-so-new reading nook with you, and today I can share that I am sitting at my new desk. We have completely shuffled our three bedrooms so that G and J are happily split into each having their own rooms. This necessitated removing our large but unwieldy and tremendously heavy desk from the 'office', as it is now a bedroom. We now have a cute little computer desk in our own bedroom, set up just for me to work at.

"What is this, a desk for ants?" ~my interpretation of my husband's reaction to my tiny work nook

Tonight I caught up on paperwork. Next I will catch up on books - I have four to blog! And am more than halfway through a fifth. I have done more reading than I expected to get done in the past few months, but haven't had the urge to write until recently, when I have found myself inspired by someone I barely know.

A friend of a friend, a sweet and kind heart, has recently left her day job to pursue writing full-time. I admire her tenacity and courage (though she has asked that people stop calling her brave!). I truly admire those who throw themselves headlong at their passion and make it happen despite obstacles, or fear of the unknown. My quest is much more humble, but I am in the process of trying to carve out a bit more 'me' time in my life, and it feels wonderful to sit here today and finally update this page. There are many things that I enjoy, and this blog is one. I shall make some time for me. A Mom who takes time for herself is, I truly believe, a more balanced person and thereby a better Mom. This new year I will find a better balance.

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