Tuesday 22 January 2013

Currently Reading: Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey

After reading Walking with the Great Apes (see my blog post from January 14), as I mentioned, I picked up two books at the United Way booksale. This was one of them, written by Jane Goodall "with" Phillip Berman. I'm assuming that means he acted in part as the writer? The sentiment certainly all belongs to Jane.

When I took my loot from the booksale home, I must admit I was disappointed by this one. I hadn't read the spine - I just saw Jane Goodall and handed over my two dollars. But once I took a closer look, I realized that this book was not really about the great apes at all, but about Jane Goodall's spiritual journey, from her youth to her adulthood to her reflections in later life.

Ever since I was young, I have not been a particularly spiritual person. I went to church. I understand what people mean when they discuss religion and God. I have moved around the world and been exposed to various other belief systems - Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. But the idea of spirituality and religion has never gripped me.

Ever since I met D, I have had a greater appreciation for such beliefs. His father was a minister, and his family is quite religious. He himself has a strong connection to First Nations and Christian beliefs. I have a lot of respect for what he thinks, and I now know about loving and believing in someone else, despite the fact that I don't always see things the same way.

Until this book, I haven't ever read a spiritual or religious text of any kind. I remember once when we were living in India, when I was 11 or 12, I decided to read the Bible, and was quite determined to read the whole thing. I think I made it 10 or 15 pages before I left that goal by the wayside. When I get halfway down my second bookcase, I will read the Bible, as I thought I would all those years ago. But for now, I read about Jane Goodall's spiritual journey.

So far, the book has been wonderful. I shall reflect more on it in the coming days, but for now, I have found a new favorite quote, also one of Jane's: "As thy days, so shall thy strength be." It means that your strength will come each day, regardless of what kind of day it is. So I'll leave you with that today. More about how Jane has helped me grow a spiritual smidge in the next post.

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